1. 얻다 vs 받다
In Korean, “얻다” and “받다” have similar meanings, but they are used in different contexts with slight nuances.
- 얻다 [eotda]
- “얻다” is primarily used when you obtain or acquire something through effort or hard work.
- It is often used to describe the result of efforts, actions, or work.
- 그는 어렵게 일자리를 얻었어요 (He worked hard to get the job.)
- 이 경험을 통해 많은 지식을 얻을 수 있었어요. (I gained a lot of knowledge through this experience.)
- 받다 [batda]
- “받다” is used when you receive or get something from someone or something else.
- It is commonly used in contexts involving gifts, items, services, help, and the like.
- 생일 선물을 받았어요. (I received a birthday gift.)
- 도움을 받아서 일을 완료했어요. (I received help and completed the work.)
In summary, “얻다” is primarily used when you obtain something through effort or hard work, while “받다” is used when you receive something from someone or something else. The choice between them depends on the context.
2. When you only use “받다”
- 요구, 신청, 질문, 공격, 도전, 신호 등을 당할 때
- ex)질문을 받다(take a question), 공격을 받다(come under attack)
- 다른 사람이나 대상이 가하는 행동, 심리적인 작용을 당할 때
- ex)인정을 받다(get recognition), 귀염을 받다(Be loved)
- 빛, 열, 바람 등의 기운을 닿을 때 ex) 햇볕을 받다(get sunlight)
3. When you only use “얻다”
- 긍정적인 태도, 반응, 상태 등을 가질 때
- ex)기쁨을 얻다(derives pleasure), 용기를 얻다(take courage)
- 돈, 집, 방 등을 빌리다 ex)방을 얻다(rent a room), 집을 얻다(rent a house)
- 병을 얻다(get a disease)
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